Wednesday, October 1, 2008

National Security

The Department of Homeland Security, or better known as National Security, is in charge or protecting our country from everything in this world.  Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, our country has lunged forward in technological security advancements.  Most all of you have probably seen the movie Oceans 13 with Brad Pitt and George Clooney.   Remember how the security system in the casino was able to interpret a person's reaction to winning a hand at the tables and then determine whether or not they won honestly or if they cheated?  Well one of the advancements in Airport Security has exactly the same security as the casino.  Computer scanners are able to read body temperatures, heart rates, and can practically read a person's mind.  They are able to determine whether or not a passenger is boarding a plane with bad intensions, has flight anxiety, or is simply just wanting to reach their destination.  
I am a duel citizen with the U.S. and a small country in the Caribbean. I am a frequent flyer all around the U.S. and within the tiny island and have really noticed a difference in security levels.  There has not been major terrorist attack on our country since the huge upgrade in the Homeland Security, and there will not be one for a long time with new traveling advancements such as this Airport Security.  I believe that National Security has done an excellent job protecting us a citizens and keeping our liberties available to us.   


gigi said...

Wow, that seems pretty wild. I can't believe that the government was able to create such a piece of technology and that it is legal to use. I would think that people interested in protecting people's privacy rights would find some way to sue the government for invasion of space or something.

D.R. said...

Thats interesting...flying is becoming such a big deal these days. Getting through security can be somewhat of a struggle with all the new technology and procedures. But I guess all these things are necessary to secure our nation and wellbeing.

anderson shore said...

O bro, I love the Ocean 13 reference! I think it is pretty cool how you connected the movie and airport security and that it is pretty exciting that our airports have that technology. I definitely agree with the fact that there is a more strict system in the airports and that they should be in order to protect out country. I look forward to other posts.

ennaeiram said...

This is actually really interesting to me. First of all, Oceans 11, 12, and 13 are my favorite movies so I know exactly what you are talking about concerning the security in the casino. I had no idea that our airport security systems were as advanced as the ones in the movie. I actually feel much better about flying now!! I don't think that this is an invasion to our privacy because the only reason for this safety precaution is to help protect our country.