Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The way America was founded was based on a "question everything" mentality.  And of course with every new advancement in technology used by the Government, in any way, will be questioned by the public; it's the way our society works and I believe that it is one of the greatest influences on how powerful our nation is today.  As the Government becomes more involved in peoples lives people question their rights to individual privacy and the protection of it.  The Government can be involved in your lifestyle to a point; once the that point is crossed the invasion becomes illegal.   But does MALINTENT and SPO cross that point?  I definitely do not think so.  These machines are built for the betterment of our lifestyles, by preserving our lives.  If you would refer to an earlier post that I have on this site titled "My Thoughts," these types of technologies will be completely accurate when they are produced.  They are here to make your traveling safer and fearless.  As travelers proceed through the machinery however, there will be, without a doubt, the couple of travelers who question the Government's motives with the machinery.  It is always good to question and it's also good to a little faith in your government.  The information that the machines produce about you are seen on that day of travel and then exposed of as you leave the screening area.  Extra screening and security information may be kept on highly profiled people, mostly those who could potentially be involved in or have been involved in previous crimes, but not on the everyday anxious traveler.  MALINTENT and SPO do not cross that definitive line that separates security scanning and the invasion of privacy.  These machines will guarantee the rights of citizen travelers, it hopes to restore the feeling of freedom to the travelers again.
Here is quick 37 second clip on the MALINTENT just to have you guys hear someone talk about it in real life.

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