Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Future

If America were not to take the opportunity to go ahead and adopt these new forms of security, not much would change in the immediate future.  Although SPO is already being used and now TSA's Backscatter in selective airports, MALINTENT isn't up yet and won't be for a little while longer.  Security checkpoints will remain the way they are now-which is generally slow, inconvenient, and frustrating.  But I thought of something the other day and decided to post it as a question to the followers.  The way our economy is going, which is into a slight recession, I feel like terrorists will be more willing to strike us at our lowest point to cause more trouble upon our nation.  With that in mind, our future airport traveling with no MALINTENT up an running could be extremely risky.  These types of technologies cost a lot of money but it is vital for the protection of our travelers.  People should be able to relax when they travel and not be caught up in the anxieties of traveling.  


GinY said...

Personally I think it’s worth the investment to build an upgraded national airport security system. Maybe this crisis is good chance for government to invest domestically again. If U.S. can end Iraq war as Obama planed, or claimed and can cut expense on Asian regional issues, I think we can gather enough money to do the project. Also, this is a long term investment which can reduce labor expense and enhance the travel experiences in the future.
Also, just curious, why you have such strong faith in MALINTENT and SPO? In your previous post, you wrote "This system is very accurate, and before it is legally launched it will be nearly perfect."

Energy4tomorrow said...

I do agree with you that since 9/11 there are conditions that raise my anxiety as it relates to possible terrorist attacks, and as you mention, many people are probably feeling like the financial turmoil may give the appearance that we are vulnerable. I also have that sort of heightened alert feeling because of the election right now. I'm not sure if anyone else shares that feeling, it's kind of hard to explain. As it relates to airport security, I'm not sure how much thought I really put into thinking about how sophisticated it is when I choose to fly. And that's not to say that I don't think it's good, because history tells us that terrorist attacks on our airlines are rare indeed. No matter how much I trust our airport security, I will always have some anxiety about flying, but I choose to do so, because there's so much I would miss out on if I didn't.

anderson shore said...

yeah we can definitely change to this new program which will make airport security faster and more secure...which would be awesome! But I am just wondering how much do we need this new system? Has there been a lot of people getting through with dangerous belongings? If it cost a lot of money then do we really need to invest in it? Just another view to the subject even though I think airport security should be tightened in order to protect our country.

O Bro said...

Response to giny-I have so much faith in the machines because i believe that they will truly be able to work exactly the way they are programmed to work. there are so many tests being run on MALINTENT and SPO is already up and running and has proven successful already. These machines are built by the best engineers in the world-grant they are still human-but technology is so amazing these days that these systems will not fail us