Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Linkage Baby!

Here is a pretty cool video clip on exactly how TSA's Backscatter works.

What's different about the MALINTENT and SPO Technology is that most of the websites have the same type of information.  I believe that government is limited to the amount that they are allowed to release to the public...
As for the SPO technology I have found this website to be pretty helpful along with this one.

And for MALINTENT this one is solid along with one.  

The Future

If America were not to take the opportunity to go ahead and adopt these new forms of security, not much would change in the immediate future.  Although SPO is already being used and now TSA's Backscatter in selective airports, MALINTENT isn't up yet and won't be for a little while longer.  Security checkpoints will remain the way they are now-which is generally slow, inconvenient, and frustrating.  But I thought of something the other day and decided to post it as a question to the followers.  The way our economy is going, which is into a slight recession, I feel like terrorists will be more willing to strike us at our lowest point to cause more trouble upon our nation.  With that in mind, our future airport traveling with no MALINTENT up an running could be extremely risky.  These types of technologies cost a lot of money but it is vital for the protection of our travelers.  People should be able to relax when they travel and not be caught up in the anxieties of traveling.  

Top 3

Top three blogs that I follow:

The author of this blog has put some really eye opening information about recycling.  I see the effort this person has put into the blog and it has paid off.  The facts are extremely interesting and I believe that this person is making her point known.  

This blog has been one of the most updated blogs I have been keeping up with.  Th author of this blog has done an excellent job expressing their thoughts on the punishment of prisoners and their rehabilitation-if there is any.  

The author of this blog has done a great job keeping up with updates and postings as well.  I find it interesting to see how our world is going to be in the future if we don't change our habits.  Alternative energy is key for the survival of our planet. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Story Time

I would like to have a couple of people respond to this posting if they have had an interesting airport experience.  Give a little story about the worst security checkpoints you have been through, or the worst traveling experience you've ever had-I like to hear or read this stuff!

Current Technology

Since June of this year there are currently 30 airports that are running a high tech TSA (Transportation Security Administration) approved screening system.  This system doesn't exactly provide the people with the degree of privacy that the MALINTENT machines would potentially give.  The system is called the TSA Backscatter or Body Imaging X-Ray, but for shorthand I am going to call it the Backscatter.  This technology uses most of the same common x-ray technologies by blasting millimeter wave lengths  to produce an image.  The person receiving the image is claimed to be seated in a different room( roughly 50-100 feet away) because the images that are produced are pictures of unclothed people.  To try and have a sense of privacy the person getting the images doesn't know who is being scanned and the security guards at the checkpoint next to the person being scanned do not get to see the images.  If a threat arrives, radio communication is used and the person is seized.  The problem with the privacy issue is that TSA and other security sections under the Department of Homeland Security have complete ability to print and save the pictures for further use of investigation. I feel like this might be a tiny invasion into privacy, even though the identity of the people being scanned are not revealed to the person in the office.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The way America was founded was based on a "question everything" mentality.  And of course with every new advancement in technology used by the Government, in any way, will be questioned by the public; it's the way our society works and I believe that it is one of the greatest influences on how powerful our nation is today.  As the Government becomes more involved in peoples lives people question their rights to individual privacy and the protection of it.  The Government can be involved in your lifestyle to a point; once the that point is crossed the invasion becomes illegal.   But does MALINTENT and SPO cross that point?  I definitely do not think so.  These machines are built for the betterment of our lifestyles, by preserving our lives.  If you would refer to an earlier post that I have on this site titled "My Thoughts," these types of technologies will be completely accurate when they are produced.  They are here to make your traveling safer and fearless.  As travelers proceed through the machinery however, there will be, without a doubt, the couple of travelers who question the Government's motives with the machinery.  It is always good to question and it's also good to a little faith in your government.  The information that the machines produce about you are seen on that day of travel and then exposed of as you leave the screening area.  Extra screening and security information may be kept on highly profiled people, mostly those who could potentially be involved in or have been involved in previous crimes, but not on the everyday anxious traveler.  MALINTENT and SPO do not cross that definitive line that separates security scanning and the invasion of privacy.  These machines will guarantee the rights of citizen travelers, it hopes to restore the feeling of freedom to the travelers again.
Here is quick 37 second clip on the MALINTENT just to have you guys hear someone talk about it in real life.

Questions for the Readers

So I have a couple questions that I would like some of you to please respond to for me.  Do you personally think that these types of security systems should be funded right now the way our economy is heading or do you think we should wait?  Do you think that in a time of economic struggle, like what we have currently, that terrorists will be more likely to cause trouble on Americans?  To answer these questions, personally, I would have the government invest in these systems to get safety up and running a soon as possible. In a time of economic recession, the government will have bigger things on their minds than advanced security systems, and terrorists may notice this and take advantage of that.  I believe that the safety of the citizens should be the number one priority.  But this is up to you to decide-so please respond!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nationalizing of Banks

Our nation is slipping into a crisis.  Officials and leaders are desperately looking for ways to help us.  Over the past couple of days these leaders have met with other leading nations to collect ideas to help save our economy.  The U.S. Government is going to use $250 billion of the $700 billion bailout plan to inject into  banks. When placing the money into the banks, the officials hope that banks will gain confidence and begin lending once more.  America's plan is based off of leading banking plans produced by England.  Other European nations, such as Germany and France have also created plans to guarantee bank debt.  In doing this America is forced into a race with leading European banking nations so they do not lose any major investors. This is where the $250 billion plan comes into play.   

Of the $250 billion, half of the money is going to be split among 9 big banks.  Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs,  Morgan Stanley Wachovia Corporation, and The Bank of New York.  The rest of the money will be distributed between the rest of the banks in the nation.  The plan behind the injection is to "unfreeze" credit markets.  Already, since the plan has gone into effect somewhat, the market has show a significant rebound.  The Dow Jones industrial average increased by 11%.  that is the largest single-day gain in the stock market since 1930.  This may prove that our market is unstable or on an improvement.  

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Thoughts

One of the biggest issues with this new intense type of technology is the issue of individual privacy (towards the end of the article). People might believe that the MALINTENT system is another way for the government to spy on its citizens-but it is not. The MALINTENT machine scans a person and results are recorded in the security management office and then as the scanned person leaves the security screening area the records are discharged.  The Government does not keep a watch on the civilian passing through the area.  If they successfully get through MALINTENT with no signs of bad intensions or possible threats to other civilian passengers, then they are free to travel as they please without government keeping record of them being scanned.  This system is very accurate, and before it is legally launched it will be nearly perfect. Personally I feel like this new equipment is what is best for the advancement of safety at travel stations and sporting events.  A person, playing the "individual privacy from the government" card, refuses to be scanned by these security upgrades is potentially jeopardizing lives of hundreds of travelers.  If they know they are innocent then why won't they walk through the machine, get scanned, pass the test, and carry on with their lives? 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Worth it or not?

The way the economy is going in America, it does not seem logical to spend millions of dollars trying to pay for advance security systems in international and national transportation stations-or is it worth the money?  Current government officials are claiming the economic status of the U.S. is the worst it has been since the Great Depression. Professionals are saying that the U.S. economic dominance over the rest of the world is coming to an end. These people claim that it will take a "herculean" strength from the government to start serving the people rather than corrupt businesses.  It will take a great effort from all the people in the U.S. to bring the American economy to the top of the world again.  With America's budget going the way it is as well there doesn't seem like there will be enough to focus on the advancements on airport security.  The fiscal year budget deficit for 2008 was roughly $438 billion, which is almost double what it was the year before-so once again is dropping more money on these new security systems such as SPO technology and MALINTENT really worth the time and effort? Absolutely. 
To refresh, SPO Technology was actually launched during the National Republican and Democratic Conventions in their respected host cities, Minneapolis and Denver.  It has the ability
 to scan moving people and is supposed to be able to speed security checks by over 45 times faster than previous methods.  The device has proven successful on ground transportation and in the air. SPO Technology is able to locate a threat, one containing an explosive or weapon, in or around an airport as they saunter by.  
And as for the MALINTENT technology, it may take a little longer to be launched.  Unlike the SPO Technology MALINTENT is still currently being tested.  There have been a little over 100 human tests on the machine, and so far officials are liking what they see.  This machine has the ability to scan a a human body and measure heart rates, body temperature, and can determine if the traveler is wishing to perform acts of terrorism.  The whole idea of this prototype is to promote a safer and faster security check while reducing the inconveniences of today's security stops.  Where MALINTENT differs from modern lie detectors and polygraphs is that it can determine whether or not a brain thought is natural.  Now, questions might begin to pop up in your head-isn't this an invasion of peoples privacy? I don't think it is.  This system is here to protect the public.  It reads the minds of criminals who could potentially take the lives of hundreds with one attack.  This computer is programmed to be able to determine the good from the bad.  So if a person is walking and is anxious as a flyer and they happen to have an elevated heart rate and high body temperature, the mind thoughts produced by the passenger will show up in the results as a nervous traveler and not as a potential threat. For a video demonstration of MALINTENTcheck this out.
Now there are going to be people who despise the system, claiming that the system will malfunction or read a person incorrectly, but I have faith in our inventors.  Tests after tests will be run to create the most accurate machine to produce results that will avoid any lawsuit conflicts.  They wouldn't create a system such as this to invade privacy and your well being.  The
 Amendments guarantee citizens their freedoms and liberties, and a machine like MALINTENT is designed for you to keep living with your freedom and liberties.  They would create it to protect you and speed up the traveling process so a person can get to their destination safer and faster. It is worth the costs to begin the process to have this technology replicated and placed in every major airport in the United States. With the new technologies placed in our airports maybe we will be able to claim ourselves as the country with the safest airports-such as the airports in Israel.  Although America is on the rise with airport securities since September 11, 2001, it has not been considered the "top dog" in traveler safety.  
Presidential stances on Homeland Security are different, as one could assume. For my issue and support on government intelligence and funding for security systems, John McCain does not have the direction that I would like to see.  He wishes to be more focused on the security and rebuilding of power of the United States and its image in the War in Iraq.  Although he truly does seek an end to world wide terrorism, his methods do not necessarily include the strengthening of technoligical intelligence and safety.  Barack Obama is on the same stances of technical support around the nation as I am.  Obama wants an increase in airport security screening of cargo and passengers. Although MALINTENT probably has not been mentioned as much to the nation because of our econimic status, this system will be what he is looking for. Obama wishes to also create a system of protection that will increase the safety of travelers on subways and busses.  SPO Technology and MALINTENT could easily be installed for the safety of our public in those types of transportation. Here is some video evidence on the difference on approaching terrorism: John McCain, Barack Obama.   

As more and more people do the research, more will understand the types of technology that we are capable of producing to make our world safer.  Every family's number one priority in this world is the preservation of their family.  These programs are designed for the protection of the world.  It is worth the money and time to sponsor these systems.  Safety of the public is always the Chief Executive's goal.  There are no questions asked that MALINTENT and SPO Technology will adhere to their safety codes and make the lives of citizens more valued.  

Monday, October 6, 2008

Israel Link

Israelites are said to have the best airport security measures in the world.  There has not been a plane hijacking or a terrorist attack in over 30 years.  Where they differ from American security is how they interact with people.  Our airport security guards don't really engage in any conversations while the Israeli guards tend to do.  Another difference is that people in Israel are screened and checked before they even get to the checking in desk, so passengers never need to take their shoes off and never really need to get rid of their liquids.  
The US is definitely beginning to be on the right track with airport measurements and precautions, it seems like they are learning from Israel.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Airport Advancements

So along with the new system that can detect whether a passenger is going to be traveling with ill intentions, the US Transportation Security Administration has started another high tech security advancement.  "SPO Technology" is another innovative way Homeland Security is dealing with threats in airports. SPO, which is a "millimetre wave" that is a "passive stand-off detection solution," is used by QinetiQ; a group dedicated to the technological advancements in security. What this form of technology does is it is able to scan moving people, in a line or strolling through the station, and can detect whether or not a person is carrying an explosive or a weapon.  What makes this different from the past security measures is that there is no bag check, or patting down.  The SPO can single out a person as a potential threat as they walk by.  This speeds up security checks and makes traveling a safer activity to do.  
SPO had its grand opening in the St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota for the Republican National Convention, and it was proven successful again at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

National Security

The Department of Homeland Security, or better known as National Security, is in charge or protecting our country from everything in this world.  Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, our country has lunged forward in technological security advancements.  Most all of you have probably seen the movie Oceans 13 with Brad Pitt and George Clooney.   Remember how the security system in the casino was able to interpret a person's reaction to winning a hand at the tables and then determine whether or not they won honestly or if they cheated?  Well one of the advancements in Airport Security has exactly the same security as the casino.  Computer scanners are able to read body temperatures, heart rates, and can practically read a person's mind.  They are able to determine whether or not a passenger is boarding a plane with bad intensions, has flight anxiety, or is simply just wanting to reach their destination.  
I am a duel citizen with the U.S. and a small country in the Caribbean. I am a frequent flyer all around the U.S. and within the tiny island and have really noticed a difference in security levels.  There has not been major terrorist attack on our country since the huge upgrade in the Homeland Security, and there will not be one for a long time with new traveling advancements such as this Airport Security.  I believe that National Security has done an excellent job protecting us a citizens and keeping our liberties available to us.