Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I hope everyone voted by now! In case you were wondering which candidate would support MALINTENT and other security measurements it would be Obama.  He is the "go to" man in this situation.  

Airport updates

Recently airport security has now changed the amount of liquids a person can pack in their carry-on bag.  In previous times the law prohibited all liquids or gels over 2 oz. Now we get an extra ounce! We get to carry up to 3 oz. of the liquids or gels.  This isn't too much more convenient but its getting somewhere.  With MALINTENT up and running, however travelers will be able to bring as much of the gels and liquids they want.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Development as a Thinker

When I began researching the topic of technological advancements in security systems, it was all based on a rumor that I had heard about when someone said that the Ocean's 13 security system is going to be put into airports soon.  And sure enough the rumor was true. As I read on about the topic I couldn't believe that we would have machines reading our minds at security checkpoints.  Then it hit me that this is the best possible advancement in security that we could have in order to make traveling a safer thing to do.  No more worrying about anyone doing any harm because if a bad person thinks about, or plots, an attack and they walk through the system-they are going to be caught.  The more and more I went into research the more I saw about the possible infringement of people's privacy, and where exactly the line is with that.  My thoughts on this were pretty simple-why would this be such a huge issue if the machine is trying to protect you? Walk through it if you know that you've done nothing wrong and your life will carry on as it will.  I have kept a pretty straight forward view on all of this-technology is our friend and it is used in this instance for the betterment of our citizens as they travel.   

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Linkage Baby!

Here is a pretty cool video clip on exactly how TSA's Backscatter works.

What's different about the MALINTENT and SPO Technology is that most of the websites have the same type of information.  I believe that government is limited to the amount that they are allowed to release to the public...
As for the SPO technology I have found this website to be pretty helpful along with this one.

And for MALINTENT this one is solid along with one.  

The Future

If America were not to take the opportunity to go ahead and adopt these new forms of security, not much would change in the immediate future.  Although SPO is already being used and now TSA's Backscatter in selective airports, MALINTENT isn't up yet and won't be for a little while longer.  Security checkpoints will remain the way they are now-which is generally slow, inconvenient, and frustrating.  But I thought of something the other day and decided to post it as a question to the followers.  The way our economy is going, which is into a slight recession, I feel like terrorists will be more willing to strike us at our lowest point to cause more trouble upon our nation.  With that in mind, our future airport traveling with no MALINTENT up an running could be extremely risky.  These types of technologies cost a lot of money but it is vital for the protection of our travelers.  People should be able to relax when they travel and not be caught up in the anxieties of traveling.  

Top 3

Top three blogs that I follow:

The author of this blog has put some really eye opening information about recycling.  I see the effort this person has put into the blog and it has paid off.  The facts are extremely interesting and I believe that this person is making her point known.  

This blog has been one of the most updated blogs I have been keeping up with.  Th author of this blog has done an excellent job expressing their thoughts on the punishment of prisoners and their rehabilitation-if there is any.  

The author of this blog has done a great job keeping up with updates and postings as well.  I find it interesting to see how our world is going to be in the future if we don't change our habits.  Alternative energy is key for the survival of our planet. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Story Time

I would like to have a couple of people respond to this posting if they have had an interesting airport experience.  Give a little story about the worst security checkpoints you have been through, or the worst traveling experience you've ever had-I like to hear or read this stuff!