Monday, October 27, 2008

Story Time

I would like to have a couple of people respond to this posting if they have had an interesting airport experience.  Give a little story about the worst security checkpoints you have been through, or the worst traveling experience you've ever had-I like to hear or read this stuff!


gigi said...

This past summer when I was traveling to Florida with my volleyball team and multiple teams in our program, our flight was cancelled because there was too much air traffic (this was a flight that had 60+ people from our program scheduled to be on it). Our club director and coaches had to figure out how to get us to Orlando because we had a tournament, so we had to sit in the airport for 2 hours waiting for flights. We wound up getting flight, but since they were switched last minute, we all had to go through the maximun security line where they test the fibers off of your clothing and go through all of your belongings. It took so long that we barely made our new flights on time.

O Bro said...

whoa dude that blows